+355 69 20 20 112

Body Scrubs

Sea Salt Peeling                                                30’          5000 ALL

An aromatic peeling treatment that includes a combination of extracted herbal oils and rich minerals. Sea salt peeling not only leaves the skin silky soft and moisturised but also ensures cell renewal in the skin by boosting the metabolism.

Delicious Aromatic Body Scrubs                  30’           7000  ALL

Ultimate relaxation for skin and senses. The aromatic and simulative effect of Asian herbal extracts encourages stress reduction and relaxation. The detoxifying effects also help the body to get rid of dead skin cells.

Çmimet janë efektive nga 20 Maj, 2024 / This price list becomes effective on May 20th, 2024

Reserve your appointment

You could give us a call, write to us here, or even check out our social media pages. We are usually extremely fast at replying, but at any case, allow us one business day to get back to you with a confirmation or an answer to your question.